Crushed - that's the word for it. Feeling like a well trampled grape. Windows did not shut down normally on my new little Aspire One last night; it could not close all the programs that were running. There were only two or three. This morning the black screen met my eye and It had to make several attempts before finding a happy way to start with a "previous" configuration. I only used Aspy for 5 hours total, most of which was spent trying to get Eudora to pick up my e-mail, giving up, and finally picking up the messages myself,dealing with it using the clumsy Skyviewmail interface. I did listen to some Internet radio. Love that.
I ran a full scan with Spyware Doctor this morning and it found no threats. It took 56 minutes and checked almost 300,000 items, spending a huge amount of time on the Windows folder.
If this happens again soon, I'll return the Aspire to Costco. I've been battling so many problems with my laptop the past few months that I don't have the psychic energy left to deal with another buggy computer. I'll just back off the amount of computer work I do. That would be healthier anyway. I don't like to think of myself as a quitter, but my brain is too boggled to be effective.
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