I was in a black hole for a week. After returning the new little Acer netbook to Costco, I went back to my buggy (I thought) laptop. But the bugs were mechanical ones, not worms and viruses. Lappy's hard drive ground to a halt on Saturday, March 13, (triskadecaphobia anyone?) and the next day we hauled it down to the Geek Squad. Here I am, a week and a day later, loading up the new hard drive with programs. Some were easier to install than I expected, some were harder. I still haven't managed to reconnect this blog with my iGoogle home page, but I'll get there.
Tom Kimmel, a peripatetic collector of and writer about small steam engines stopped by our house today on his way between Flagstaff and Los Angeles. He keeps in touch with Terry and all the other steam engine enthusiasts he meets along his way, and helps to keep the steam hobby information flowing. Terry's little steam outboard Sprite is out on the patio looking pretty sad. It was somewhat damaged by the woodshed roof on Huckleberry Mountain that came down after burglars pulled out the roof supports. Sprite has been lying on our patio here for three years unattended, and needs a little TLC.
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